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Legacy Property Alert! This unique 8-acre property features a Reproduction Bow House Cape main house, a detached oversized 3-car garage featuring a heated room, a concrete pad with a 30A hookup, and an operational dog kennel. The home was originally built in 1879 but the property sustained a fire in 2011 and was rebuilt following original specs and modern upgrades. The home features beautiful wide plank wood flooring, an expansive living/dining area, a gorgeous wood-burning fireplace with a crane installed, and a hearth built with bricks salvaged from the Capt. Leonard House, and a huge bedroom on the 2nd level featuring a beautiful reading nook loft area on the 2nd level! The kennel area features 16 kennels, dog runs, an office area with internet, a full bath grooming area, a laundry room, a separate work/storage room, and a separate septic system. The exterior of the kennel area also features 2 horse stalls, a tack room, and a storage shed. The property is truly one of a kind!

Property Details of 405 Rock Valley Road, Rock Valley

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Listed by Fabio Desousa of Park Square Realty

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